Commercial registration for shops/individuals
Commercial registration (shops/individuals) according to the Commercial Registration Act B.E. 2499
Business operator need to show the type of business and income correctly and appropriately to the Registrar, the following procedures are followed:
1. Entrepreneurs must apply for registration with the registrar within 30 days from the date of commencement of operation, change or dissolution of the business.
2. Entrepreneurs need to present their commercial registration certificate or commercial registration certificate at the office in an open and easily visible place.
3. Entrepreneurs need to provide labels used in commercial business in front of the head office and branch offices by disclosure within 30 days from the date of commercial registration, name tags must be written in Thai that is clear and easy to read. There may be foreign characters in the nameplate as well and must match the registered name, If it is a branch office, the word “branch office ” must be included.
4. Entrepreneurs must submit an application for a substitute for a commercial registration certificate within 30 days from the date of loss or damage.
5. Entrepreneurs must express their intention to provide facts relating to registration transactions under the Registrar’s order.
6. The entrepreneur must facilitate the registrar and competent officials which was inspected in the office of the operator.
Person who is responsible for commercial registration
1. A single individual (sole proprietorship)
2. Ordinary Partnership
3. A juristic person established under foreign law that establishes a branch office in Thailand.
4. Juristic Ordinary Partnership, Limited Partnership
5. Limited company, Public Limited Company
Determine the period of commercial registration
1. Register a new commercial establishment must be registered within 30 days from the start of commercial business.
2. Change of registration list must be registered within 30 days from the date of the change according to the list of changes as follows:
2.1.1 Change the name used in commercial business.
2.1.2 Cessation of some commercial activities or add new.
2.1.3 Increase or decrease capital
2.1.4 Move the head office
2.1.5 Change Manager
2.1.6 The owner or manager changes the address
2.1.7 Move, cancel or add branches , warehouse or different dealers.
2.1.8 Amendments to Partners (Partnership in/out) Investments in the company’s investment amount.
2.1.9 Amount of funds, number of shares and value of shares of a limited company, the number and value of shares held by individuals of each nationality.
2.1.10 Other items such as edit the website name Roman names, etc.
3. Cessation of commercial activities must be registered within 30 days from the date of cessation of commercial activities.
4. A lost commercial registration certificate must apply for a replacement within 30 days from the date of loss.
1. Business operators without registration show false refusing to give words and do not allow officials to check in the office, offenses are liable to a fine of not more than 2,000 baht. In case of continuously fined not more than 100 baht per day until compliance with the Act.
2. If the commercial registration certificate is lost, do not apply for a replacement receipt or not showing the commercial registration certificate at the office that easily seen, no label , the offense is a fine not exceeding 200 baht and if it is a continuous offense, another fine of not more than 20 baht per day until the correct.
3. Business operators who defraud people, intentional contamination of goods, counterfeiting of goods, or any other serious fraud in the operation of the business will be revoked the commercial registration certificate. When the registration certificate is revoked commerce and will not be able to continue the business unless the Minister of Commerce orders a new commercial registration.
4. Business operators whose commercial registration certificate has been revoked still violating commercial business guilty shall be liable to a fine not exceeding ten thousand baht or imprisonment for not more than one year, or both.
Place of registration
1. In Bangkok Commercial registration can be filed at:
(1) Fiscal Policy Office, Office of Finance, Bangkok provide commercial registration for commercial entrepreneurs with their head office located in Bangkok.
(2) Administrative departments, all district offices get registered for commercial activities of commercial entrepreneurs with a head office located in the area of that district.
For more information, please contact: Fiscal Policy Office, Fiscal Office Tel. 0-2224-1916, 0-2225-1945 or at the administrative department, all district offices. and at the website
2. In the region, registration can be filed at:
Municipality Subdistrict Administrative Organization or Pattaya City provide commercial registration service of commercial enterprises whose main office is located in the Municipality Subdistrict Administrative Organization or Pattaya City, as the case may be.
For more information, please contact: Department of Commercial and Regional Registration Supervision , Public Company and Special Business Registration Division, Department of Business Development.
Tel. 0-2547-4446-7 and provincial commercial offices in every province.
Commercial registration service
Special price 2,000.- ( including all fees + service charges )
Tel. 065-396-2452 ( PMP SERVE THAILAND )