Tax filing service

Tax is money that the government collects from citizens and entrepreneurs with income for the development of the country in various fields in the form of utilities such as electricity, water supply, roads, hospitals, educational institutions, as well as government services. Taxes are like a driving force that makes the country move forward steadily. Therefore, it is the duty of all income earners to file income tax returns as part of the development of our country. It also shows transparency which brings pride in performing duties as required by law.


File a tax form with PMP SERVE (THAILAND), complete in one stop service.


PMP SERVE (THAILAND) is a specialist in accounting and tax services, both monthly and annual tax filings, registration for value added tax (VAT registration), company registration, limited partnership registration, bookkeeping, auditing, tax planning, accounting system, business consulting services and other related services comprehensively. Read more...  

Scope of tax filing services
(e.g. monthly filing, annual filing)

PMP SERVE (THAILAND) provide tax filing service and tax remittance to the Revenue Department and Ministry of Commerce legally, facilitate you in every step from consulting and giving advice on filing tax returns to comply with relevant agencies. We help calculate income tax accurately, collect necessary documents and prepare tax returns, summarize the form and submit the tax return to the Revenue Department as well as a service to return the receipt documents to you to keep as evidence. Our tax filing services include monthly tax filing services and annual tax filing services as follows:


File monthly tax returns

  • Prepare and submit the withholding income tax form (P.N.D.1)
  • Prepare and file withholding personal income tax forms (P.N.D. 3)
  • Prepare and file withholding corporate income tax forms (P.N.D.53, P.N.D.54)
  • Prepare and submit VAT or VAT forms (P.P.30, P.P.36)
  • Prepare input tax report and monthly sales tax report
  • Prepare and submit monthly social security contributions

File an annual tax return

  • Prepare and submit the annual corporate income tax form (PND 51)
  • Prepare and file year-end corporate income tax forms (PND 50)
  • Prepare and submit forms financial statements to the Ministry of Commerce (Sor.BorChor.3, Sor.BorChor.3-1,BorJor.5)
  • Prepare and file annual employee withholding tax (PND 1 Kor)



Inquire Tax Filing service

If you are having trouble in Tax filling.

Contact us LINE@: @pmpserve
or e-mail: (Replies within 24 hours)

The reason why you should be serviced the tax filing by the PMP SERVE (THAILAND).


Monthly and Annual Tax Filing Services

PMP SERVE (THAILAND) provides monthly and annual tax filing service with high standard and legal at reasonable prices.


Tax Filing Services by professional specialists, and skilled.

We have specialists and teams with extensive experience in tax filing for monthly and annual taxes are imposed on individuals and corporations for various businesses that ensure standards and accuracy.


Fast Service

We are available for filing tax on monthly and annual, providing advice, solve the problems quickly and on time.


Fair and Reasonable Price.

We provide monthly and annual tax filing services with the fair price, the quality standard is guaranteed for all of customers with no additional cost.


Honesty and Sincerity.

We adhere to sincere services, so we advise based on facts of integrity, the process of work is transparency, and can inspect at all steps.

Customers are part of us

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