What is Visa BOI?

Recently, Thailand has changed in foreign investment policies in various areas with the aim of attracting highly skilled and technologically advanced personnel to work and develop targeted industries (S-Curve) and to attract foreign companies to invest in the country to raise Thai companies to have better standards and innovation, especially in various fields of knowledge-based activities, which are considered an important mechanism in driving the economy that is very important. The government has assigned the Office of the Board of Investment (BOI) to act as an agent to promote both Thai and foreign investors. A smart visa or visa BOI is designed to attract highly skilled foreign professionals in science and technology, senior executives, investors, and entrepreneurs to work or invest in Thailand. In summary, it can be said that a smart visa or visa BOI is a special type of visa designed to attract highly skilled individuals and investors who would like to work or invest in S–Curve. The smart visas are divided into 5 types for 5 groups of foreigners as follows:

1. SMART T” a group of highly skilled professionals in science and technology who come to work in the targeted industries in Thailand.

2.SMART I” a group of foreign investor, investing in technology-based enterprises in production or service processes and in targeted industries in Thailand.

3. SMART E” a group of senior executives who work in companies that use technology as a basis for production processes or providing services and being in the targeted industries in Thailand.

4. SMART S” a group of foreign Startup entrepreneurs, who will set up startups that use technology and are in targeted industries in Thailand.

5. SMART O” a group of spouses and legitimate children of the entitled person (Other).

How is Visa BOI different from other Visas?

Foreigners who would like to work or invest in the Kingdom of Thailand, often have problems in various areas, both in terms of obtaining a visa, or applying for a work permit but if a foreigner is a smart visa holder, they will receive special privileges in various areas that are different from non-B visas or other types of visas such as:

  • The right to stay in Thailand for a maximum period of 4 years.
  • Reporting only once a year, instead of the usual that report every 90 days.
  • The right to come back to Thailand by unlimited of times.
  • Exempt from applying for a work permit.
  • The right to follow the lawful spouse and children.
  • Spouses are allowed to work anywhere without applying for a work permit.

How does Visa BOI work?

Foreigners who staying outside Thailand, can apply for a Smart Visa or Visa BOI, and foreigners who staying in Thailand, can also request to change their visa type to a Smart Visa if they meet the criteria with the following steps:

1. Foreigners can apply for a certificate of being eligible for a smart visa at the One Stop Service Center for Visa and Work Permit (OSS), Chamchuri Square Building or Embassies / Consulates.

2. Within 3 working days after receiving complete documents, the OSS will coordinate with the relevant authorities to verify and certify the qualifications of the applicants for the Smart Visa.

3. The relevant agencies according to item 2, notify the OSS of the result of consideration and examination within 20 working days.

4. The OSS (BOI) will notify the applicants of the results of the Smart Visa application, qualification agency, Immigration Office, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and the Department of Employment to know the results of qualification certification within 7 working days.

However, the total work period is 30 working days from the date OSS receives complete documents and evidence. For the holders of other types of visas, eligibility applications must be submitted at least 90 days before the original period ends.

BOI visa application service with PMP SERVE (THAILAND) complete in one stop service.

PMP SERVE (THAILAND) is a service provider for BOI Visa or Smart Visa, Work Permit, with long experience. We have specialized knowledge about BOI or Smart Visa application processing by a team of professionals who are experienced in both regulatory and legal requirements. We are ready to help facilitate and give advice on how to prepare and correct procedures that will help everyone reduce the complicated process of applying for a BOI visa, reduce the complexity of document preparation, reduce time spent on traveling and filing various documents, making your Smart Visa or BOI visa application process faster, smoother and legal at a friendly price, consultation and advice on all aspects of applying for a work permit and other related services in detail by easily, fast, and don’t need to waste time repeatedly.

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